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Brandevoort, A  New Town in Holland
by Krier & Kohl

"The council for European Urbanism is dedicated to the well being of present and future generations through the advancement of humane cities, towns, villages and countryside in Europe."

Council for European Urbanism

Rue de Laeken Contemporary Reconstruction Project, Brussels

The Council of European Urbanism (C.E.U) resulted from the discussions and works of a First European  New Urbanist Council in Brussels and Bruges in April 2003:

First EuroCouncil 2003

Hufeisenplatz in Kirchsteigfeld, Potsdam (Krier&Kohl)

 The creation of a specific European Council named: Council for European Urbanism was concluded in Bruges and a first Declaration was elaborated and approved. Here below a short report by Maricé Chael in the Townpaper:

First EuroCouncil in Brussels/Bruges

Street in Poundbury, New Town in England
by Léon Krier

"Traditions allow us to recognise the lessons of history, enrich our lives and offer our inheritance to the future.

Local, regional and national traditions retain the uniqueness  of communities in the advance of globalisation.

Through tradition we can preserve our sense of identity and counteract social alienation. People must have the freedom to maintain their traditions."

Academies & New Urbanism

New School of Architecture Students and Works (2004)

"The goal of any one assisting in the education of architects must be to instil in them the ability to work with others as they use their art to embody beauty in buildings, justice in cities, and grace in the lives touched by their works."

Carroll William Westfall

New School of Architecture, UCP Viseu

New School of Viseu

Atelier Activities at the New School of Architecture, Viseu

Bauhaus, Beaux-Arts, and New Technologies

New Strategies in Education

"It is essential that the design schools accept the responsibility of teaching a body of knowledge, and not just attempt to incite creativity and individualism."

Andrés Duany

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